For ready chocolate trays and orders between 9 AM to 9 PM. Details
Luxurious boxes specially designed for the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, containing wonderful gifts and delicious Belgian chocolate.
The luxurious Eid 3D Card was designed from the atmosphere of Eid and its special splendor to fill hearts with joy and spirituality.
We always strive to make your happy occasions special every year. With a unique design and an exclusive selection, the luxurious Eid gift boxes from Bostani Chocolate are here for you. Because moments of joy and family gatherings are priceless, Experience the joy of family gatherings with these luxurious chocolate treats.
An amazing box with eid design contain a luxuries pieces of belgian chocolate
An Amazing Fancy Gold Box Contain 4 Pieces Of Customized Chocolates and A Elegant Green And White Finjan To Add A Perfection touch to It
An amazing collection contain a fancy globe souvenir with three shapes of Camel with two pieces of a delicious belgian Chocolates melts in your mouth
An amazing collection contain a fancy globe souvenir with three shapes of Derayah with two pieces of a delicious belgian Chocolates melts in your mouth
An amazing collection contain a fancy globe souvenir with three shapes of Hestorical Door with two pieces of a delicious belgian Chocolates melts in your mouth
The gift sets include premium chocolate pieces that can be customized with a name or logo, along with a cup carrying significant patriotic values. This ensemble serves to showcase your pride in your identity and heritage to all those around you during your national occasions."
A special gift box honoring the day the Saudi kingdom was constituted and the dawn of its glories, packed with two elegant cups and pieces of fine chocolate crafted to be customized to your order.